Casual Fridays Podcast

You most likely have heard of influencer marketing, but have you heard of micro-influencer marketing? 

Would you like to learn how to locate micro-influencers and discover how to create a win-win relationship with them that can be massively rewarding for your business? 

Today on the podcast, I'm joined by Katherine McDermott of Slightly Savvy, an Influencer Marketing PR Firm. Katherine and I dig into the difference between influencer marketing and micro-influencer marketing, we give you some of the best strategies and tactics in working with micro-influencers, and Katherine explains why micro-influencers can be more cost-prohibitive and more impactful than a traditional influencer with hundreds of thousands of followers. We also give you some of the common red-flags and warnings you should look out for when working with influencers. 

Let's do this!

Direct download: Katerine_McDermott.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:00am PST