Casual Fridays Podcast

Did you know last December, in one of the stimulus bills that Congress passed, tucked away among the tax breaks, were a few provisions intended to counter online piracy, including the CASE Act? Of course, you didn't. Any average person didn't. The CASE Act, standing for Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement, creates a small claims court within the U.S. Copyright Office, meaning violators could be liable for as much as $30,000 per violation. 😨

This week on the podcast, Tyler interviews IP Attorney of 25+ years, Pete Salsich. Pete breaks down all the fine details of the CASE Act and what it means for content creators and businesses. You don't want to miss this.

Connect with Pete at The Screen Lawyer


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Direct download: 261_-_Pete_Salsich_CASE_ACT.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:00am PST