Casual Fridays Podcast

Are you interested in starting a new business? Or working for yourself?

If so, you'll want to check out this podcast interview we had with Aiden Durham from 180 Law Co. LLC, also known as prominent YouTuber All Up In Yo Business.

I met Aiden on a whim when I was doing some research on some investments I was doing, and I came across her YouTube channel and I was impressed. I knew I had to introduce her to my audience. Especially with this pandemic of COVID-19 that we're all dealing with.

Listen, I get it. Now more than ever is the time. The time for you to break free and start that business of yours. However, before jumping into the deep end of the pool, I want you to get a (legal) lesson from Aiden. So sit back, buckle up, let's do this!

Direct download: Aiden_Durham.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:07pm PST