Casual Fridays Podcast

Would you like to grow your social media following, email list, or website traffic? Of course, we all would.

This week on the podcast, we dive into growth hacking. I'm joined by Derric Haynie of Vulpine Interactive, and we specifically go into how to run structured growth tests.  In this episode you'll learn what “growth hacking” is and how you can utilize it to strategically advance your business.

Let's do this...

Direct download: Derric_Haynie.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:52pm PST

Would you like to grow your Instagram following, drive more engagement, and have more authentic content for your Instagram account?

Have you considered an Instagram Takeover as part of your social media marketing strategy?

This week on the podcast, I dive into Instagram Takeovers, and specifically how to run successful campaigns.  In this episode you'll learn what Instagram takeovers are, why you should consider them as part of your social media marketing strategy, who to target, and how to run successful campaigns.

Let's do this...

Direct download: SMSH_197_Instagram_Takeovers_.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:27pm PST

Have you ever thought about starting a podcast?

Are you looking for other ways to create content to demonstrate thought leadership and build brand authority?

This week on the podcast, I dive into how to build brand authority with podcasting. Yes, podcasting. In this episode you'll learn my personal podcasting journey and how my podcast has helped grow Casual Fridays, why you should start a podcast, my podcasting schedule and workflow, and much more.

Let's do this...

Direct download: How_To_Build_Brand_Authority_With_Podcasting.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:06pm PST

Are you struggling with how your business can leverage video marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy?

Does the thought of getting in front of a camera and figuring out all the gear and technology frighten you?

This week on the podcast, I'm joined by George Thomas, and we discuss how to get your business started with video marketing. In this episode you'll learn how you can start shooting professional video for your company for under $500, why it is so important to have a pre-production checklist, how effective your phone can be in creating professional video content, and so much more.

Let's do this...

Direct download: George_Thomas.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:53pm PST

Did you know you could generate leads and drive more sales through quizzes? Yes, quizzes!

Did you know that people like online quizzes so much that they spend on average two minutes taking them?

This week on the podcast, I'm joined by co-founder of Interact, Josh Haynam, and we discuss how to generate leads and drive sales through quizzes. In this episode you'll learn how to effectively use quizzes for marketing and lead generation, how can businesses can utilize quizzes to effectively target audiences, and why quizzes can work for both B2C as well as B2B businesses.

Let's do this...

Direct download: SMSH_194_Josh_Haynam.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Are you struggling to create quality content for your brand or business? 

Are you leveraging the power of user-generated content with your customers? 

This week on the podcast, I'm joined by international marketing expert, Mordecai Holtz, and he shares with me the secret power of user-generated content (UGC). You'll learn what UGC is, why UGC is so powerful for brands, and why it is important for companies to be consumer-focused with UGC.

Let's do this...

Direct download: Mordecai_Holtz.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:28pm PST

Are you creating more video as part of your social media marketing strategy? 

Are you turning those videos into video ads on Facebook? 

This week on the podcast, I'm joined by Facebook Ads expert, Gavin Bell, and he shares with me the blueprint to video ads on Facebook. You'll learn best practices for video ads on Facebook, how to optimize video ads on Facebook, and most importantly, how much money you should be spending on each video ad. 

Let's do this...

Direct download: Gavin_Bell.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:09am PST

Is your business using emojis in your marketing?

Would you like your business to appear more authentic and humanizing with your target audience?

On the podcast this week, discover how emojis are changing the way people communicate and how marketers can implement them to humanize their brand and give a boost to their marketing initiatives.

Direct download: SMSH_191_Emojis.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:33pm PST

Are you creating more video as part of your video marketing strategy?

Would you like to speak with better clarity to your audience?

In this week's podcast episode I'm joined by Richard The Magician and he shares with you performance tips to that every vlogger and video creator should know. You'll learn exercises to help in your preparation for creating videos along with the importance of how you say the words you speak and the advantages of thinking from the perspective of your audience. 

Direct download: SMSH_190_Richard_The_Magician.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:21pm PST

Would you like to get more lead generation from your social media efforts?

Would you love to save large amounts of time with automation techniques that turn clicks into customers?

Listen to how Billy Shaw, owner of Billy Gene Is Marketing, is able to turn clicks into customers through advertising, capturing, selling, and an effective use of automation. Get more lead generation from your social media efforts and save large amounts of time with automation techniques that turn clicks into customers.

Direct download: Billy_Shaw.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:09pm PST

Curious about how a premiere hotel company is utilizing user-generated content (UGC) to power its social media?

Want to know the importance of curating content correctly?

Listen to how Loews Hotels powers its social media through UGC and how it encourages interaction with its patrons to deliver an edge on advertising and community engagement in the hospitality sector.

Direct download: SMSH_188_-_OLIVIA_HERNANDEZ.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:30am PST

Have you adjusted your Instagram strategy since the Instagram algorithm was released?

Would you like to drive more reach and engagement with your Instagram content?

Take a deep dive into the Instagram algorithm and discover five factors that can influence your reach and engagement on this rapidly growing platform. In this episode, you'll discover how even with an algorithm in place, it's still possible to get great reach organically on Instagram. You'll also learn why it's all about quality over quantity, how Instagram Stories can drive additional reach for your photos and videos, and so much more.

Direct download: SMSH_187_Instagram_Algorith_-_5_Things_Marketers_Need_To_Know.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:25am PST

Don’t you wish you could ask Facebook some questions on how to best use the platform to grow your business?

Wouldn't you love to know how to get great results with just $1 a day on Facebook Ads?

Get an inside look at the Facebook algorithm and discover the standards of excellence for Facebook Ads with Logan Young of Blitz Metrics. The BlitzMetrics team has used lots of data analysis and knowledge gleaned directly from the mouths of Facebook employees to determine a standards of excellence system to use to get the most out of Facebook for their clients. Learn how to read the signals on a Facebook page to get more followers, engagement and how to best promote content.

Direct download: 186_Logan_Young.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:41pm PST

Do you feel you're not getting the most out of Facebook when marketing your business?

Would you like to learn how to grow your Facebook following by honing in on your target audience?

This week I'm sharing 5 Facebook features marketers forget to use. In this episode, you'll learn how we target our avatar and audience by capitalizing on Audience Insights within Facebook. I'll show you how we search previous posts for insights on what works, and how to grow your following by suggesting your page to email contacts and by inviting specific individuals to like our Page who've previously engaged with your content. Plus, you'll learn how to customize your Facebook Page layout so it's optimal for your industry.

Direct download: 5_Facebook_Features_Marketers_Forget_To_Use.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

How did you celebrate Social Media Day this year?

Did you participate in one of the top meet-ups that happened in San Diego, Denver, Phoenix, or Jacksonville?

Since 2010, Social Media Day is celebrated every year on June 30th. Social Media Day San Diego has been one of the biggest events on the planet. This year, over 400 people came together to celebrate Social Media Day San Diego that featured some amazing speakers such as Pat Flynn, Marcus Sheridan, Mari Smith, Michael Stelzner, Dennis Yu and yours truly. Today on the podcast, I'm joined by co-host Mike Bires as we discuss everything that happened at Social Media Day San Diego 2017.

Direct download: SMDAYSD_2017_Recap_Show.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:16pm PST

Do you find yourself wishing you were more productive with your time?

Do you struggle with setting and reaching goals?

Productivity is something a lot of people struggle with and at the root of it all is goal setting. My guest today has incorporated the knowledge from top experts and scientific data to develop products and systems to help people accomplish their goals more efficiently.

Direct download: AllenBrouwer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:01am PST

Have you thought about starting your own Facebook Live show for your business or brand?

Are you looking to create more video content as part of your social media strategy? 

Learn how to start your own Facebook Live show from topic ideas, your promotional plan and the best tools for live streaming a show. Stephanie Liu shares her biggest tips and suggestions to making a live show successful.


Direct download: Stephanie_Liu_01.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:15am PST

Do you know what Medium is?

Do you have an account? Find out why you may want to consider this emerging platform and how to market your business with Medium. 

One of the top writers on Medium and owner of Arctiphi, Dakota Shane joins me and opens up about what he is doing on this platform to drive his business. This emerging yet proven platform of over 60 million active monthly users gives the ability to create articles and be found within the network to increase traffic and notoriety to your brand or business. Find out how you can take advantage of this platform to increase traffic to your website or blog and the best practices for gaining attention within the network.

Direct download: Dakota_Shane.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:40am PST

Are you interviewing people as part of your content marketing strategy?

When was the last time you worked at enhancing your craft?

Your interviewing skills will be reinvented after listening to this live, in-studio interview, where we dive deep with Michael O’Neal of the Solopreneur Hour Podcast. Get his best tips and tactics at turning interviews into engaging conversations. He shares how to draw out your subject, get them comfortable, direct the interview and how to become better at asking questions. Learn what to do the day before the interview, 5 minutes before the interview, how to introduce your guest and what to do in the first few minutes of the interview. He’s teaching how to make deeper connections with your guests and get better at the craft of interviewing.

Direct download: Michael_Oneal.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:29am PST

Would you like to start a podcast?

Are you holding back because the technology to create a podcast intimidates you?

What if I told you, that you could create a quality podcast with just your iPhone? Yes, I said it. With just your iPhone. It's totally do-able, and today, I recorded this entire podcast on my iPhone to prove it. In today's episode of the Social Media Social Hour, I walk you through step-by-step exactly how I created this quality podcast, in one take, with just my iPhone.

Direct download: SMSH_179_-_How_To_Record_a_Quality_Podcast_With_Your_iPhone.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Is your business active across social media, yet have no clue what your sales funnel looks like?

Do you use other users social media photos without their permission? Are you using automation bots to grow a following?

I get it. Social media is continuously evolving, so much so, that marketers today are always looking for an edge to stay ahead of the competition. Unfortunately, some of these tactics can come at a cost. Today I’m sharing 6 mistakes social media marketers need to stop making.

Direct download: SMSH_178_-_6_Mistakes_SMMs_Must_Stop.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00pm PST

Are Instagram Stories a part of your marketing strategy?

Are you aware of the latest features and how they can make your storytelling more exciting?

Instagram Stories has now grown to over 200 million active users. This was a feature that didn’t even exist a year ago! Facebook and Instagram has taken steps to win the war against Snapchat. One third of Instagram users are using Stories daily. Today I’m sharing the latest features most people don’t know about that can enhance your storytelling on Instagram Stories.

Direct download: 177_-_13_IG_Stories_Features.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:44pm PST

Are you thinking of hiring a social media agency?

Do you have an agency or are you part of one?

As a social media agency owner for the past eight years, I have a lot of insight on the good, the bad and the ugly in this business. The process of finding and hiring an agency who can work on social media for your business or brand can be intimidating. If you’re not in the business, it can be tough to know if they are legit or selling you a bag of goods. I’m sharing some great questions you can ask a potential agency or consultant to find out if they will be a good fit for your business or brand.

Direct download: 10_Questions_You_Should_Ask_Your_Social_Media_Agency.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Are you confused by Facebook ads?

Are you running Facebook ads but want to dive deeper into what you should focus on?

If you have a question about Facebook Ads, I’ll bet we get to it in this episode. I’m asking Azriel Ratz of Ratz Pack Media the best questions sourced from our audience and the team at Casual Fridays. We dive into some beginner and lots of advanced Facebook ad strategies. Learn best practices on how to set up, test and measure your Facebook ad campaigns.


Direct download: Azriel_Ratz.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Do you need help growing your email list?

Are you capturing emails where and when you should be?

Dustin Stout and I discuss the pros and cons of various email platforms and how to streamline the process of gathering emails. He gives us tips and tricks to produce the most effective lead magnets and how to come up with ideas on what to create that will interest your target audience. I learned some interesting things about what kinds of lead magnets are working right now and how we can serve our audience and keep them interested in our brand and products.

Direct download: Dustin_Stout.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Does your product or service appeal to military families?

Are you marketing to military families through social media?

In honor of May’s Military Appreciation Month, I’m talking with Desiree Martinez, founder of All In One Social Media and member of a fourth generation military family. Learn HOW and WHY you should target military families using social media. Her number one recommendation for brands targeting military families is to make sure to sit down and talk to someone who has experience with the demographic before marketing to them. Here’s your chance!

Direct download: DesireeMartinez.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Do you have a social customer care strategy?

Do you want to know the essential steps to win at social customer care?

Today,  I sit down with Dan Gingiss, host of the “Focus on Customer Service” podcast and author of the new book “Winning at Social Customer Care” to outline the eight steps to win at social customer care.


Direct download: Dan_Gingiss_2.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Should you be using Instagram Live?

Is it worth the time and energy to start using another live platform?

Today I’m joined by Aaron Roth of Arkon Mounts and we discuss how and why you should take a closer look at Instagram Live.  Aaron shares why it is working right now to increase sales and grow the Instagram account for Arkon Mounts. The most effective way he’s found to sell his products is by reaching new audiences and telling the Arkon Mounts story through Instagram Live.

Direct download: Aaron_Roth.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Are you curious as to how to use online videos to market your small business?

Do you have questions about how to strategically create lead generation with online video and which platforms you should use?

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, Owen Video and I discuss video social media marketing for small businesses, with a focus on creating exclusive videos for both YouTube and Facebook, which calls-to-action to use and tips for Facebook Live.

Let's do this!

Direct download: Owen_Video.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Do you own a small business and wonder which social channels are the best way to generate leads through social media?

Do you have questions about how much money to spend on website design, which channels you should focus on and how email marketing can help grow your business?

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, Rich Brooks and I discuss social media marketing for small businesses, taking a look at what the top priorities should be with limited time and resources, and how to best utilize various means of social media.

Let's do this!

Direct download: Rich_Brooks.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:55am PST

Are you in the restaurant business or own a pizzeria? Are you curious as to how social media can help your restaurant or pizzeria?

Do you wonder which social media platforms can best help reach your target audience and how to go about reaching them?

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, Bruce Irving and I discuss social media marketing for restaurants, including which social platforms are preferred and best practices for your niche, including a breakdown of all the main channels from Facebook and Instagram to YouTube and Yelp.

Let's do this!

Direct download: Bruce_Irving.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Would you like to grow your business and increase sales?

Do you have aspirations of being known as a thought leader in your industry?

Your personal brand can have a major impact on the bottom line for your business, both good and bad. Today, I share with you how to demonstrate thought leadership with your personal brand, which should help you out professionally. I also share with you some essential LinkedIn tips to help drive social proof for you as a thought leader in your industry.

Let's do this!

Direct download: How_To_Demonstrate_Thought_Leadership.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Are you curious if the little blue bird is still an effective means to carry your social media messages?

Are you wanting to stock up on Twitter hacks before that you can leverage when you attend your next conference or event?

With 67 million Americans as active users, Twitter is indeed still an important platform for social media marketers. The platform has seen many changes in the past year ranging from improved Twitter Moments functionality to the ability to broadcast live right from the app itself, on mobile or desktop.

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, Madalyn Sklar and I discuss these new changes, as well as 5 Twitter hacks to use when attending conferences or events.

Let's do this!

Direct download: MadalynSklar-2.0.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Are you curious how to make your LinkedIn profile more appealing to potential clients or employers? Wondering if it's worth your time and energy to learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile?

With over 480 million members, LinkedIn is still a very important platform in the world of social media. They recently rolled out a whole new design (as Vivica von Rosen alluded to in a previous podcast) and it’s important, now more than ever, to have an optimized profile. In this week’s Social Media Social Hour, I dive into the new LinkedIn layout and offer practical tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile.
With 467 million members, LinkedIn is still a very important platform in the world of social media. They recently rolled out a whole new design (as Vivica Van Rosen alluded to in a previous podcast) and it’s important, now more than ever, to have an optimized profile. In this week’s Social Media Social Hour, I dive into the new LinkedIn layout and offer practical tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

Direct download: 165-How_to_Optimize_Your_LinkedIn_Profile.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Do you have a startup and have no idea where or even how to start marketing yourself on social media?

Are you looking for proven strategies and tactics on how to use social media marketing for your startup?

Launching a new business is tough enough. Trying to navigate through the wild world of social media marketing does not make it any easier. Fortunately, we're here to help you out this week with our show.

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, I have a conversation with Louie La Vella and we talk specific strategies and tactics your startup can leverage through social media marketing.

Let's do this!

Direct download: louielavelle.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Have you considered Influencer Marketing on Instagram as a method to help build your brand's following?

Are you wondering whether influencer campaigns are truly a successful avenue for growth and exposure?

Many social media marketers are wanting to reach out to influencers to help build their brand's presence on Instagram yet they are not sure where to begin or if it will be worth their time and energy.

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, I dissect a case study of a successful Influencer Marketing campaign with Shannon Johnson of Alaska Airlines.

Let's do this!

Direct download: Shannon_Johnson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Have you started leveraging Instagram ads for your business?

Are you struggling to get the most out of your Instagram advertising?

Many social media marketers are currently seeing a lower cost per click on Instagram than Facebook. The visual-focused platform is helping businesses and brands drive conversions through their beautiful content.

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, I discuss 3 essential tips to Instagram ads
with Morgan Sutton.

Let's do this!

Direct download: Morgan_Sutton.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:30am PST

Do you spend most of your day sitting at your desk or behind a computer?

Does your energy lag as the day goes on?

Everyone knows that getting up and getting moving is a great way to boost your energy during the work day, but many aren't familiar with the other ways you can increase energy and boost productivity. From getting enough sleep to eating the right things, Coach Tim Adams gives us the inside scoop.

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, I discuss 3 ways to generate more energy during your workday featuring Coach Tim Adams.

Let's do this!

Direct download: Tim_Adams.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:57am PST

Find yourself struggling when putting together proposals for your business?

Do you wish you could streamline the process and increase your close rate?

Writing proposals isn't typically a favorite activity. Most businesses use a boiler plate, and fail to customize each proposal they send out. Using a tool like Proposify can make proposal writing easier and help you close more deals.

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, I discuss how to create proposals that close with Kyle Racki.

Let's do this!

Direct download: Kyle_Racki.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PST

Have you heard of social selling, but aren't sure what it is?

Did you know you can use social media platforms like LinkedIn for lead generation?

Social selling might be a buzzword in the social media marketing industry, but the concept and practice are very relevant. Every day, brands are leveraging LinkedIn and other social media platforms to generate leads and grow their business.

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, I discuss social selling ninja tricks for LinkedIn
with Viveka von Rosen.

Let's do this!

Direct download: VivekaVonRosen.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PST

Have you heard about virtual and augmented reality, but aren't really sure what it is?

Are you interested in ways you could integrate VR and AR into your business?

With the introduction of games like Pokémon Go and 360-degree video, it looks like brands are going all in the virtual and augmented reality space. As the functionality and tools develop, it's important to stay in touch with how this may effect your business.

This week on the Social Media Social Hour, I discuss augmented reality and virtual reality: what marketers need to know featuring Cathy Hackl.

Let's do this!

Direct download: Cathy_Hackl.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00am PST