Casual Fridays Podcast

Like everything in digital marketing, Google Ads are evolving, and they're evolving fast. So much so, Mike Rhodes had to re-write nearly 80% of his book, The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads, in the recent 6th edition. 

This week on the podcast, Mike, from WebSavvy, joined Tyler to discuss Google Ads' fundamentals and what businesses need to know to place ads on the platform in 2021. 

Have a question for the podcast? Follow Tyler on Instagram and shoot him a DM. 

Free Google Ads Mini-Course mentioned in the show:

Tack sponsors the Casual Fridays Podcast. Tack streamlines user-generated content management for marketing teams. Get started today at

Direct download: 258_Mike_Rhodes.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:00am PST